Minister Ordination Certificate (PDF Copy Only)


Already ordained through First Nation? Need a downloadable copy of your ordination documents?

Order a PDF copy of your key ordination documents, including personalized ordination certificate, letter of good standing, minister’s credential (ID card) and a current copy of the marriage guide for your primary location.

PLEASE NOTE: We require one business day to process and email PDF copies.

PDF Copy (Via Email):

  • Officiant's Name *

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    Please enter the full, legal name of the Officiant as it should appear on the documents.
    Did you spell the name correctly? Are you 100% sure? (Just checking!)
    Are you a doctor, or do you hold a professional title? If you prefer, you may enter your name as "Dr. Jean Smith" or "Robert Jones, Ph.D."Min: 3 charactersMax: 40 characters

  • Current FNC License Number *

    Don't have your FNC license number handy? No problem! Leave this field blank and we'll look it up for you.

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Already ordained through First Nation Church and Ministry or First National Marriage Ministry? Need a PDF copy of your documents?

Order a PDF copy of your key ordination documents, including personalized ordination certificate, letter of good standing, minister’s credential (ID card) and a current copy of the marriage guide for your primary location.

Haven’t applied yet to get ordained to perform wedding ceremonies and other life celebrations? It’s fast and easy. Please click here to get started!

Already ordained, but need a fresh set of printed ordination documents mailed to you? Please click here to request a set of printed credentials.

PLEASE NOTE: We require one business day to process and email PDF copies.

Wedding Officiant Online Ordination Training (Image)
Get ordained … perform wedding ceremonies!